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Rule 919

Rule 919: Complaints

Section Dispute Resolution
(a)   Complaint Concerning an Approved Individual or Approved Program. A person who alleges that an approved individual or program has violated Rule 918 may submit a complaint under this rule. This rule does not govern an allegation of misconduct if an approved individual has been court-appointed and the court still has jurisdiction over the case.

(b)   Complaint Requirements. The complaint must be submitted to the director using the standardized form and must include the following:

(1)   name, mailing address, phone number, and email address of the person filing the complaint;

(2)   name, mailing address, phone number, and email address of the dispute resolution provider;

(3)   name, mailing address, phone number, and email address of each party and, if applicable, the party’s attorney;

(4)   case number, if applicable;

(5)   a detailed description of the basis for the complaint, including identification of the specific provisions of Rule 918 alleged to have been violated; and

(6)   a detailed description of any effort to informally address the incident identified in the complaint.

(c)   Initial Review. The director promptly must conduct an initial review of each complaint received.

(d)   Action Following Initial Review. On conclusion of an initial review, the director may:

(1)   dismiss the complaint, if the director determines the complaint is frivolous or without merit; or

(2)   refer the complaint to the chairperson for investigation under Rule 920.

(e)   Director May Request Investigation. The director may request an investigation of a potential violation of Rule 918 on the director’s own initiative.

[History: New rule adopted effective January 1, 2020.]

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