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Rule 1704

Rule 1704: Interpreter's Acknowledgment and Agreement

Section Language Access
(a)   Applicability. This rule applies to an interpreter who provides interpretation or translation services in a district court, except for:

(1)   a sign language interpreter; or

(2)   an interpreter providing interpretation services from a remote location who is employed by an agency that requires the interpreter to comply with ethical standards deemed by the judicial administrator to be substantially similar to the Kansas code of professional responsibility for court interpreters.

(b)   Acknowledgment and Agreement Required to Interpret. An interpreter must complete and sign an acknowledgment and agreement form approved by the judicial administrator and distributed by the district court which verifies that the interpreter has received and reviewed the Kansas code of professional responsibility for court interpreters and agrees to adhere to the code. The interpreter must return the completed and signed form to the local language access coordinator listed on the form.

(1)   Signed Form Required to Interpret. An interpreter may not provide an interpretation or translation service in a district court unless the interpreter has completed and signed an acknowledgment and agreement form, except in a case of emergency as determined by the presiding judge.

(2)   Signed Form Retention. During the period of an interpreter’s service, the local language access coordinator must retain the interpreter’s completed and signed acknowledgment and agreement form. The form may be retained in electronic format. The local language access coordinator must promptly forward a copy of the form to the office of judicial administration.

(3)   Electronic List. After receiving a copy of an interpreter’s completed and signed acknowledgment and agreement form, the office of judicial administration must place the interpreter’s name on an electronic list, available to the district courts.

(4)   Only One Form Required. If an interpreter is named on the office of judicial administration’s electronic list, the requirements of (b)(1) are satisfied.

(5)   Not a Substitute for Qualification or Oath. The presence of a signed acknowledgment and agreement form is not a substitute for a judicial determination of an interpreter’s qualifications under K.S.A. 75-4353, or the taking of an interpreter’s oath under K.S.A. 75-4354.

[History: New rule effective July 1, 2016.]

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