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Rule 191

Rule 191: Specialty Court Committee

Section District Courts
(a)   Purpose. The Specialty Court Committee is established to make recommendations to the Supreme Court regarding the development and administration of specialty courts in Kansas district courts. 

(b)   Membership. The Committee will have no fewer than 12 members.

(c)   Appointment. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court will appoint the Committee members.

(d)   Terms.

(1)   Inaugural Members. The terms of the inaugural Committee members will be staggered. The terms of four members will be three years, the terms of four members will be two years, and the terms of four members will be one year. Each inaugural member may be reappointed to serve two consecutive three-year terms.

(2)   Terms. Other than the inaugural members, the term of each Committee member will be three years. No Committee member may serve more than two consecutive terms.

(3)   Return to Service. Any member will be eligible for additional terms after a break in service.

(4)   Vacancy. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court will appoint a new Committee member to fill a vacancy. A member appointed to fill a vacancy will serve the unexpired term of the previous member and may serve two consecutive three-year terms thereafter.

(e)   OJA Representative and Liaison Justice.

(1)   In addition to the members described in subsection (b), the following provisions apply:

(A)   there will be a permanent, nonvoting seat on the Committee for a representative of the Office of Judicial Administration; and

(B)   the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court will designate a Supreme Court justice to serve as liaison to the Committee. 

(2)   The term limits in subsection (d) do not apply to a person designated under subsection (e)(1).

[History: New rule adopted effective January 27, 2021.]

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